What is a Concussion?
Concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) from direct or indirect trauma to the head and neck that affects brain function resulting in signs and symptoms that can develop immediately after, or at a later date. It is a manageable and treatable condition. Early treatment is key, and proper clinical management is critical.
Gentle rehabilitative manual therapy plays a significant and supportive role in the management and recovery of patients with concussion, and is an important adjunctive intervention alongside neurocognitive, sensorimotor rehabilitation and psychological support. Collaboration with other clinicians is highly recommended for concussion recovery.
Post-concussive symptoms vary and can include:
Ringing in the ears
Balance problems
Loss of consciousness
Visual disturbances
Nausea, vomiting
Slurred speech
Sleep disturbances
Confusion, fogginess
Loss of memory, forgetfulness
Light and noise sensitivity
Mood, behaviour or personality changes
Psychological problems
Poor attention or concentration
Increased muscle tension and myofascial restriction of the head, neck and jaw